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NSW Govt Community Cabinet @ Casula: Campaign for Cash 4 Containers

With NSW’s commitment to a 10c Cash for Containers recycling scheme set to be decided within a matter of days, and all Environment Ministers due to meet to discuss it in April, local residents and campaigners will use the opportunity of the Casula Community Cabinet today to ask O’Farrell to join the Victorian Premier and back the scheme.

WHERE: Bella Fonte Events Centre, Comfort Inn Hunts Liverpool, 8 York Street Casula.

WHEN: Monday 7 April. Protest at 6pm outside Events Centre, then from 6.30pm inside the public meeting locals concerned about plastic litter will question the NSW Premier.

PHOTO OP: Locals and campaigners will gather outside the event, some dressed in It Makes Cents! T-shirts and others in bottle suits with signs, gathering support from MPs and the public. There will be a giant oversized Coke Bottle and big mock 10c pieces.

• Within the month it will become clear if Victoria and NSW are committed to implementing a 10 cents cash for containers beverage recycling scheme, joining SA and the NT. The Victorian Premier Denis Napthine has publicly backed the move, calling on the NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell to join him. A commitment from both VIC and NSW will make a national scheme likely.

• While the Victorian Premier clearly supports the scheme, he says it will work best if NSW signs on. The NSW Premier’s views are less apparent, although his Environment Minister Robyn Parker has not ruled it out. Various NSW government backbenchers publicly back the scheme (eg Coogee Liberal MP Bruce Notley-Smith).

• While 84 per cent of the public supports the scheme, the beverage industry and the Australian Food and Grocery Council continues to lobby against it.

Convenor of the Boomerang Alliance Mr Jeff Angel said, “It would make no sense if NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell said no to this opportunity to deliver an efficient, reliable and environmentally friendly 10c container deposit scheme to the 84 per cent of Australians who say they want it.

“The top items littered in Australia are drink cans and bottles but they are also the most easily recyclable. South Australian residents, where this scheme has run for 35 years, recycle 80 per cent of their containers - double the national average. A 10cent deposit/refund scheme is more effective and financially sustainable than any industry alternative.”

“The program will save local councils money, create an estimated 3000 jobs in the recycling industry and importantly reduce litter clogging our parks, rivers and oceans,” Mr Angel said.

Local Liverpool Councillor Peter Harle said, "As a long term resident and representative of the community of Liverpool I've seen firsthand the tons of toxic rubbish from drink containers fill up our local catchments that flow into the Georges River. The Liverpool Council has overwhelmingly voted in favour of a container deposit scheme and I'll be urging the State Government to do the right thing by the community and get on with bringing in this policy that is proven to work.”

For further information and to arrange interviews today and at the event:
Alison Orme Media Greenpeace Australia Pacific 0432 332 104
Liverpool Councillor Peter Harle 04 1273 6956

Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise to be released by Russian authorities in surprise move

Amsterdam/Sydney 7 June 2014. Russia’s investigative committee (IC), late yesterday Sydney time, informed Greenpeace International that it has annulled the arrest of the ship Arctic Sunrise, which has remained in custody in Murmansk since a high profile protest against Arctic oil drilling last September. The ship was siezed at the same time as the Greenpeace 'Arctic30', which included Tasmanian Colin Russell, two permanent residents of Australia Alexandra Harris and Jon Beauchamp and two freelance journalists.

Greenpeace reacted positively to the news but reaffirmed its belief that the arrest of the ship was illegal under international law.

Greenpeace International Executive Director Kumi Naidoo said, "Millions of people spoke out against the illegal imprisonment of the Arctic 30, and today the final member of the group is free to come home. Our ship was arrested during an entirely peaceful protest against Arctic drilling in international waters. There was absolutely no justification either for boarding the ship or keeping her for eight months.

“This whole affair was a brazen attempt to intimidate those who believe that drilling for oil in the melting Arctic is reckless and unsafe. After months without proper maintenance our ship will need careful repairs, but like our campaign to protect the Arctic she will emerge better, fitter and stronger from this.”

The investigative committee recently extended its investigation into the protest at the Prirazlomnaya platform by two months, until July 24th. However, lawyers acting for Greenpeace International were informed of the ship’s release unexpectedly during a meeting in the port city of Murmansk this morning. The ship should now be able to leave Russia in the coming days.

Greenpeace lawyers were also informed that the investigation will continue in order to examine equipment found on the ship.

"Our main priority now is to get the ship checked by independent surveyors to assess the level of damage since it was seized by Russian agents on September 19th. We will also be asking the Russian authorities to continue guarding the vessel until our crew arrives to take custody of it", said Daniel Simons, Greenpeace International Legal Counsel.

In the eight months since the action took place Greenpeace has continued to campaign against Arctic oil drilling across the world, most recently in Norway last week where activists occupied a Statoil contracted oil rig in the Barents sea for over 48 hours. Meanwhile Dutch activists blocked a second Gazprom rig, the GSP Jupiter, as it left the Dutch port of IJmuiden to drill in the Russian Arctic.

Kumi Naidoo, who himself protested at the Prirazlomnaya rig in 2012 continued, “We will continue to oppose any oil company that attempts to drill in the Arctic ocean. As the world warms and the ice melts this is fast becoming an era defining battle, and we are determined to win it.”

For more information please contact:
Alison Orme Greenpeace Australia Pacific 0432 332 104
James Turner: james.turner@greenpeace.org +44 7415 515368
Maria Favorskaya in Moscow: mfavorsk@greenpeace.org +79 687358947


The Arctic Sunrise was used as a support vessel during a protest at Gazprom’s Prirazlomnaya platform on September 18th 2013. Two climbers attempted to hang a small “Save The Arctic” banner on the platform's side before Russian commandos fired warning shots into the water beneath them and forced them to descend their ropes. The next day, the Arctic Sunrise was boarded by helicopter and towed to Murmansk. All 28 activists along with two freelance journalists were arrested and charged with piracy and then hooliganism. The Arctic 30 were released on December 27th 2013 following the adoption of an amnesty law in the Russian Duma.

On 22 November 2013, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea ordered Russia to 'immediately' release the vessel upon the posting of a €3.6 million bond by the Netherlands. The bond was posted by 2 December.

For a full timeline of the Arctic 30 story please see:

Self destruction on renewable energy

Monday 17 February, 2014: Following today’s announcement of the review of the Renewable Energy Target (RET), Greenpeace is calling on the Government to dramatically increase its clean energy ambitions.

“Hours after US Secretary of State John Kerry called climate change a weapon of mass destruction, Australia risks shooting itself in the foot by appointing a climate sceptic to review our renewable energy target,” said Greenpeace Programme Director Ben Pearson.

“If this review is fair dinkum it will find that the RET is good for the environment, good for jobs and good for growth in regional and rural NSW. It will find that the RET helps reduce the price of solar PV for ordinary Australians and all this for an insignificant increase in annual electricity bills”.

In the press conference announcing the review the Environment Minister, Greg Hunt, estimated that the RET increases average prices by only 3% - a tiny amount given the enormous contribution the policy makes.

“Australia has almost unparalleled capacity to harness renewable energy but today we are lagging far behind countries such as China and Germany,” continued Pearson. “The Government should introduce policies that drive the uptake of renewables, not reviews by climate sceptics that provide cover to sabotage existing policies.”

“We all know that moving swiftly to clean energy is vital to combat climate change,” said Pearson. “But already in Australia, tens of thousands of jobs have been created in the sector, particularly in rural and regional areas. And unlike the declining fossil fuel industry, renewables will keep on growing in the future. This is not just of benefit to the economy, but also to the pockets of all Australians, because as renewable energy gets bigger, it will also get cheaper. Renewable energy is a huge opportunity for Australia; we need to grasp it with both hands.”

'Threatened Species Protection Unit' steps in between endangered species and Whitehaven bulldozers

Thursday 20 February, 2014: Greenpeace’s ‘Threatened Species Protection Unit’ has entered the Leard State Forest – proposed site for the controversial Maules Creek coal mine - to document endangered species omitted by proponents, Whitehaven Coal, during the approval process.

With the Royal Botanic Gardens having confirmed the identity of one of these species, Greenpeace is calling on Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt to stop Whitehaven’s bulldozers until an investigation is carried out.

“We are revealing new evidence that the approval for Whitehaven to turn the Leard State Forest into a coal mine was and is totally inadequate and that the company’s off-set strategy is a lie,” said Greenpeace Campaigner Nic Clyde. “It’s time for Environment Minister Greg Hunt to step in, do his job and call a halt to the bulldozers before it’s too late.”

On the request of the previous Environment Minister, Whitehaven were required to commission an independent report into the ‘quantity and quality’ of biodiversity on land bought by the company in order to ‘offset’ destruction of the Leard State Forest.  Despite preparing the report and submitting it to Greg Hunt’s department, Whitehaven continue to refuse to release the findings publicly.

“Whitehaven Coal is bulldozing nationally significant biodiversity, in some of Australia’s rarest woodlands, destruction they have failed to ‘offset’,” said ecologist, Phil Spark. “They are determined to hide the evidence and trash this forest before the truth is revealed. We cannot allow this to happen.”

Today’s action comes less than a week after a prominent ecologist released a report providing further evidence the mine’s approval is based on false information. (1) A research briefing summarising the issues and controversy surrounding the Biodiversity Offset Strategy for Whitehaven Coal’s Maules Creek mine is available here. (2)

John Hunter – a leading expert on the vegetation of the Liverpool Plains – has found that 95 per cent of the White Box critically endangered ecological community (CEEC) that Whitehaven has claimed as an offset in order to get their approval past the regulators, does not exist in the area independently surveyed. There is only 0.1 per cent of this vegetation type left in Australia.

“With an independent review the company does not want to release, the world’s slowest departmental investigation, and an expert’s report finding a 95 per cent error rate in the crucial biodiversity offsets that got this mine approved, Greg Hunt must revoke Whitehaven’s approval,” concluded Clyde

Greenpeace calls on Minister Hunt to:

  1. Release - as a matter of priority - the Independent Review required under Condition 10 of the Maules Creek Mine approval
  2. Indicate what he intends to do in relation to the compelling and building independent expert evidence about the inadequacies of the offsets proposal and the likelihood that the offset conditions of the Maules Creek mine approval are not being met
  3. Require Whitehaven Coal to immediately stop any works that would destroy the specimens of Tylophora linearis until an impacts assessment has been submitted to him and appropriate protections have been put in place
  4. Require Whitehaven Coal to undertake a thorough assessment of Tylophora linearis and the Large-eared Pied Bat over the Maules Creek mine site and report to him so that he can satisfy his obligations under the EPBC Act and the approval as stipulated in conditions 32 and 37 of the approval.

Photos and video will be made available later in the day.

1.  http://www.scribd.com/doc/207517928/John-Hunter-Offset-Assessment-Report-13-Feb-2014-Final
2. www.greenpeace.org/australia/Global/australia/Media/Maules_Creek_Offsets_Brief_040220.pdf

Whitehaven Coal thwarted as fresh activists step in to stop forest clearing

Maules Creek, NSW, Monday 2 June 2014: As tree-climbing activists hinder bulldozing for the fourth day in a row, Greenpeace is calling on the NSW Government to urgently stop forest clearing in the Leard State Forest during the winter hibernating months.

“Just this morning, a new group of tree-climbers entered a different part of the endangered forest to set up a sky-high camp,” said Greenpeace spokesperson Julie Macken.  

The new forest rescue team continues the stand-off with Whitehaven Coal after five Greenpeace activists were arrested yesterday and removed from a giant rope web.  

“This brings the total number of arrests in ongoing community protests against Whitehaven Coal’s mine to over 160,” said Julie Macken.  

A rally outside the ministerial offices of Pru Goward and Rob Stokes – Government Macquarie Tower in Sydney - is planned for Wednesday at midday, as community outrage over winter clearing at a time when native animals are hibernating to make way for a coal mine, boils over.

Greenpeace Senior Campaigner Nic Clyde spoke from his tree-sit, 10 metres off the ground in the Leard State Forest:

“Whitehaven Coal’s bulldozers are destroying the homes of animals while they sleep. Their coal mine at Maules Creek – the largest coal mine currently under construction in Australia – has been given permission to break the most basic of mining rules - stop clearing during the winter months - when many threatened species are hibernating.”

“The state government - Environment Minister, Rob Stokes and Planning Minister Pru Goward - must intervene.”

Some of the hibernating species in the Leard State Forest include:

  • The feathertail glider, sugar glider and squirrel glider (all hibernating most of winter)
  • Barking Owl (nesting and listed as ‘vulnerable’ under state law) and Barn Owl (nesting)
  • Corben's long-eared bat (‘vulnerable’ under federal and state law), the yellow-bellied sheath-tale bat (‘vulnerable’ under state law) and white-striped free-tailed bat and little pied bat (‘vulnerable’ under state law). All the bats are hibernating for most of winter.
  • Coral snake and spiny tailed gecko (both hibernating)

For interviews with Greenpeace Senior Campaigner from the forest tree-tops:

Contact, Elsa Evers 0438 204 041 or Julie Macken 0400 925 217

Images and video:


Username: photos    Password: green

Via FTP (you will need an FTP client such as Filezilla): 

Host: greenpeacemedia.org

Username: media

Password: greenpeace

Folder: Maules Creek

Additional images from the Leard Alliance can be found at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/leardstateforest/

MEDIA ALERT: Snap mass rally to halt bulldozing of Leard Forest for coal mine

On the eve of World Environment Day, a coalition of national environment groups, Labor and Greens MPs and farmers hold snap rally to protest bulldozing of the Leard State Forest by Whitehaven Coal. Private spies have been identified as infiltrating the camp of landowners and environmentalists working to stop the mine.

SPEAKERS: NSW MPs Penny Sharpe (Labor) and Mehreen Faruqui (Greens), local farmers, Greenpeace, GetUp!, Lock the Gate, Nature Conservation Council and Australian Religious Response to Climate Change. The Wilderness Society are supporting the rally.

WHEN: Speakers from Noon, Wednesday 4 June 2014.

WHERE: Governor Macquarie Tower, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney.

DEMAND: NSW Environment Minister Rob Stokes and Planning Minister Pru Goward should halt clearing and launch an investigation into the impact of Whitehaven Coal’s winter clearance on endangered species.

PHOTO OP: Many 100s of protesters, big banners, placards, speakers, petition handover.

Greenpeace Head of Program Ben Pearson said, “A broad alliance of farmers, religious leaders, politicians and environment groups are calling for a halt to clearing of this forest, with its precious cargo of hibernating threatened species.

“Greenpeace is committed to staying put, in the forest, to frustrate this mega mine and its disastrous legacy for climate change, water and biodiversity.”

• Whitehaven Coal’s mine at Maules Creek is the largest coal mine under construction in Australia. The company has been given permission by the NSW government to break a basic mining rule: no tree clearing during the winter months when many threatened species are hibernating.
• Bulldozing of the threatened forest is underway and Greenpeace activists have been suspended in forest tree tops for over 100 hours.
• Meanwhile, mining company Idemitsu Australia Resources has admitted it contracted two companies to employ spies to infiltrate the Maules Creek camp.

Contact: Greenpeace Media Alison Orme 0432 332 104/ Jessa Latona 0488 208 465. Greenpeace photos of Leard Forest and tree top action available on request.

NSW Govt Community Cabinet @ Casula: Campaign for Cash 4 Containers

With NSW’s commitment to a 10c Cash for Containers recycling scheme set to be decided within a matter of days, and all Environment Ministers due to meet to discuss it in April, local residents and campaigners will use the opportunity of the Casula Community Cabinet today to ask O’Farrell to join the Victorian Premier and back the scheme.

WHERE: Bella Fonte Events Centre, Comfort Inn Hunts Liverpool, 8 York Street Casula.

WHEN: Monday 7 April. Protest at 6pm outside Events Centre, then from 6.30pm inside the public meeting locals concerned about plastic litter will question the NSW Premier.

PHOTO OP: Locals and campaigners will gather outside the event, some dressed in It Makes Cents! T-shirts and others in bottle suits with signs, gathering support from MPs and the public. There will be a giant oversized Coke Bottle and big mock 10c pieces.

• Within the month it will become clear if Victoria and NSW are committed to implementing a 10 cents cash for containers beverage recycling scheme, joining SA and the NT. The Victorian Premier Denis Napthine has publicly backed the move, calling on the NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell to join him. A commitment from both VIC and NSW will make a national scheme likely.

• While the Victorian Premier clearly supports the scheme, he says it will work best if NSW signs on. The NSW Premier’s views are less apparent, although his Environment Minister Robyn Parker has not ruled it out. Various NSW government backbenchers publicly back the scheme (eg Coogee Liberal MP Bruce Notley-Smith).

• While 84 per cent of the public supports the scheme, the beverage industry and the Australian Food and Grocery Council continues to lobby against it.

Convenor of the Boomerang Alliance Mr Jeff Angel said, “It would make no sense if NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell said no to this opportunity to deliver an efficient, reliable and environmentally friendly 10c container deposit scheme to the 84 per cent of Australians who say they want it.

“The top items littered in Australia are drink cans and bottles but they are also the most easily recyclable. South Australian residents, where this scheme has run for 35 years, recycle 80 per cent of their containers - double the national average. A 10cent deposit/refund scheme is more effective and financially sustainable than any industry alternative.”

“The program will save local councils money, create an estimated 3000 jobs in the recycling industry and importantly reduce litter clogging our parks, rivers and oceans,” Mr Angel said.

Local Liverpool Councillor Peter Harle said, "As a long term resident and representative of the community of Liverpool I've seen firsthand the tons of toxic rubbish from drink containers fill up our local catchments that flow into the Georges River. The Liverpool Council has overwhelmingly voted in favour of a container deposit scheme and I'll be urging the State Government to do the right thing by the community and get on with bringing in this policy that is proven to work.”

For further information and to arrange interviews today and at the event:
Alison Orme Media Greenpeace Australia Pacific 0432 332 104
Liverpool Councillor Peter Harle 04 1273 6956

Winter clearing stopped as Whitehaven Coal raises the white flag

Sydney, Thursday 12 June 2014: Today, winter clearing at Australia’s most controversial new coal mine – Maules Creek - was stopped after Whitehaven gave the Land and Environment Court an undertaking to stop the bulldozers until a full hearing of the court case in September.

The Maules Creek Community Council had been seeking an injunction in the Land and Environment Court.

Greenpeace is calling for the State Government to ensure that no further work is done of any kind on the site until the scheduled hearing in September.

Greenpeace Senior Climate Campaigner, Nic Clyde said:

“We welcome today’s announcement but Minister Goward must immediately stop all work at Maules Creek coal mine.

“Whitehaven Coal’s investors should also be heading for the exits as this dud investment suffers another critical blow.”

 “This latest delay in construction is yet another warning to investors. Whitehaven Coal has consistently failed to meet its own construction schedule at their Maules Creek mine, which is why they found themselves in the Land and Environment Court. Happily though, this is great news for the threatened bat and bird species which now have a place to hibernate or nest over the winter.


Elsa Evers, Greenpeace Communications Officer – 0438 204 041

Nic Clyde, Greenpeace Senior Climate Campaigner – 0438 282 409


'Threatened Species Protection Unit' steps in between endangered species and Whitehaven bulldozers

Thursday 20 February, 2014: Greenpeace’s ‘Threatened Species Protection Unit’ has entered the Leard State Forest – proposed site for the controversial Maules Creek coal mine - to document endangered species omitted by proponents, Whitehaven Coal, during the approval process.

With the Royal Botanic Gardens having confirmed the identity of one of these species, Greenpeace is calling on Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt to stop Whitehaven’s bulldozers until an investigation is carried out.

“We are revealing new evidence that the approval for Whitehaven to turn the Leard State Forest into a coal mine was and is totally inadequate and that the company’s off-set strategy is a lie,” said Greenpeace Campaigner Nic Clyde. “It’s time for Environment Minister Greg Hunt to step in, do his job and call a halt to the bulldozers before it’s too late.”

On the request of the previous Environment Minister, Whitehaven were required to commission an independent report into the ‘quantity and quality’ of biodiversity on land bought by the company in order to ‘offset’ destruction of the Leard State Forest.  Despite preparing the report and submitting it to Greg Hunt’s department, Whitehaven continue to refuse to release the findings publicly.

“Whitehaven Coal is bulldozing nationally significant biodiversity, in some of Australia’s rarest woodlands, destruction they have failed to ‘offset’,” said ecologist, Phil Spark. “They are determined to hide the evidence and trash this forest before the truth is revealed. We cannot allow this to happen.”

Today’s action comes less than a week after a prominent ecologist released a report providing further evidence the mine’s approval is based on false information. (1) A research briefing summarising the issues and controversy surrounding the Biodiversity Offset Strategy for Whitehaven Coal’s Maules Creek mine is available here. (2)

John Hunter – a leading expert on the vegetation of the Liverpool Plains – has found that 95 per cent of the White Box critically endangered ecological community (CEEC) that Whitehaven has claimed as an offset in order to get their approval past the regulators, does not exist in the area independently surveyed. There is only 0.1 per cent of this vegetation type left in Australia.

“With an independent review the company does not want to release, the world’s slowest departmental investigation, and an expert’s report finding a 95 per cent error rate in the crucial biodiversity offsets that got this mine approved, Greg Hunt must revoke Whitehaven’s approval,” concluded Clyde

Greenpeace calls on Minister Hunt to:

  1. Release - as a matter of priority - the Independent Review required under Condition 10 of the Maules Creek Mine approval
  2. Indicate what he intends to do in relation to the compelling and building independent expert evidence about the inadequacies of the offsets proposal and the likelihood that the offset conditions of the Maules Creek mine approval are not being met
  3. Require Whitehaven Coal to immediately stop any works that would destroy the specimens of Tylophora linearis until an impacts assessment has been submitted to him and appropriate protections have been put in place
  4. Require Whitehaven Coal to undertake a thorough assessment of Tylophora linearis and the Large-eared Pied Bat over the Maules Creek mine site and report to him so that he can satisfy his obligations under the EPBC Act and the approval as stipulated in conditions 32 and 37 of the approval.

Photos and video will be made available later in the day.

1.  http://www.scribd.com/doc/207517928/John-Hunter-Offset-Assessment-Report-13-Feb-2014-Final
2. www.greenpeace.org/australia/Global/australia/Media/Maules_Creek_Offsets_Brief_040220.pdf

NSW Govt Community Cabinet @ Casula: Campaign for Cash 4 Containers

With NSW’s commitment to a 10c Cash for Containers recycling scheme set to be decided within a matter of days, and all Environment Ministers due to meet to discuss it in April, local residents and campaigners will use the opportunity of the Casula Community Cabinet today to ask O’Farrell to join the Victorian Premier and back the scheme.

WHERE: Bella Fonte Events Centre, Comfort Inn Hunts Liverpool, 8 York Street Casula.

WHEN: Monday 7 April. Protest at 6pm outside Events Centre, then from 6.30pm inside the public meeting locals concerned about plastic litter will question the NSW Premier.

PHOTO OP: Locals and campaigners will gather outside the event, some dressed in It Makes Cents! T-shirts and others in bottle suits with signs, gathering support from MPs and the public. There will be a giant oversized Coke Bottle and big mock 10c pieces.

• Within the month it will become clear if Victoria and NSW are committed to implementing a 10 cents cash for containers beverage recycling scheme, joining SA and the NT. The Victorian Premier Denis Napthine has publicly backed the move, calling on the NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell to join him. A commitment from both VIC and NSW will make a national scheme likely.

• While the Victorian Premier clearly supports the scheme, he says it will work best if NSW signs on. The NSW Premier’s views are less apparent, although his Environment Minister Robyn Parker has not ruled it out. Various NSW government backbenchers publicly back the scheme (eg Coogee Liberal MP Bruce Notley-Smith).

• While 84 per cent of the public supports the scheme, the beverage industry and the Australian Food and Grocery Council continues to lobby against it.

Convenor of the Boomerang Alliance Mr Jeff Angel said, “It would make no sense if NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell said no to this opportunity to deliver an efficient, reliable and environmentally friendly 10c container deposit scheme to the 84 per cent of Australians who say they want it.

“The top items littered in Australia are drink cans and bottles but they are also the most easily recyclable. South Australian residents, where this scheme has run for 35 years, recycle 80 per cent of their containers - double the national average. A 10cent deposit/refund scheme is more effective and financially sustainable than any industry alternative.”

“The program will save local councils money, create an estimated 3000 jobs in the recycling industry and importantly reduce litter clogging our parks, rivers and oceans,” Mr Angel said.

Local Liverpool Councillor Peter Harle said, "As a long term resident and representative of the community of Liverpool I've seen firsthand the tons of toxic rubbish from drink containers fill up our local catchments that flow into the Georges River. The Liverpool Council has overwhelmingly voted in favour of a container deposit scheme and I'll be urging the State Government to do the right thing by the community and get on with bringing in this policy that is proven to work.”

For further information and to arrange interviews today and at the event:
Alison Orme Media Greenpeace Australia Pacific 0432 332 104
Liverpool Councillor Peter Harle 04 1273 6956

Whitehaven Coal thwarted as fresh activists step in to stop forest clearing

Maules Creek, NSW, Monday 2 June 2014: As tree-climbing activists hinder bulldozing for the fourth day in a row, Greenpeace is calling on the NSW Government to urgently stop forest clearing in the Leard State Forest during the winter hibernating months.

“Just this morning, a new group of tree-climbers entered a different part of the endangered forest to set up a sky-high camp,” said Greenpeace spokesperson Julie Macken.  

The new forest rescue team continues the stand-off with Whitehaven Coal after five Greenpeace activists were arrested yesterday and removed from a giant rope web.  

“This brings the total number of arrests in ongoing community protests against Whitehaven Coal’s mine to over 160,” said Julie Macken.  

A rally outside the ministerial offices of Pru Goward and Rob Stokes – Government Macquarie Tower in Sydney - is planned for Wednesday at midday, as community outrage over winter clearing at a time when native animals are hibernating to make way for a coal mine, boils over.

Greenpeace Senior Campaigner Nic Clyde spoke from his tree-sit, 10 metres off the ground in the Leard State Forest:

“Whitehaven Coal’s bulldozers are destroying the homes of animals while they sleep. Their coal mine at Maules Creek – the largest coal mine currently under construction in Australia – has been given permission to break the most basic of mining rules - stop clearing during the winter months - when many threatened species are hibernating.”

“The state government - Environment Minister, Rob Stokes and Planning Minister Pru Goward - must intervene.”

Some of the hibernating species in the Leard State Forest include:

  • The feathertail glider, sugar glider and squirrel glider (all hibernating most of winter)
  • Barking Owl (nesting and listed as ‘vulnerable’ under state law) and Barn Owl (nesting)
  • Corben's long-eared bat (‘vulnerable’ under federal and state law), the yellow-bellied sheath-tale bat (‘vulnerable’ under state law) and white-striped free-tailed bat and little pied bat (‘vulnerable’ under state law). All the bats are hibernating for most of winter.
  • Coral snake and spiny tailed gecko (both hibernating)

For interviews with Greenpeace Senior Campaigner from the forest tree-tops:

Contact, Elsa Evers 0438 204 041 or Julie Macken 0400 925 217

Images and video:


Username: photos    Password: green

Via FTP (you will need an FTP client such as Filezilla): 

Host: greenpeacemedia.org

Username: media

Password: greenpeace

Folder: Maules Creek

Additional images from the Leard Alliance can be found at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/leardstateforest/

MEDIA ALERT: Snap mass rally to halt bulldozing of Leard Forest for coal mine

On the eve of World Environment Day, a coalition of national environment groups, Labor and Greens MPs and farmers hold snap rally to protest bulldozing of the Leard State Forest by Whitehaven Coal. Private spies have been identified as infiltrating the camp of landowners and environmentalists working to stop the mine.

SPEAKERS: NSW MPs Penny Sharpe (Labor) and Mehreen Faruqui (Greens), local farmers, Greenpeace, GetUp!, Lock the Gate, Nature Conservation Council and Australian Religious Response to Climate Change. The Wilderness Society are supporting the rally.

WHEN: Speakers from Noon, Wednesday 4 June 2014.

WHERE: Governor Macquarie Tower, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney.

DEMAND: NSW Environment Minister Rob Stokes and Planning Minister Pru Goward should halt clearing and launch an investigation into the impact of Whitehaven Coal’s winter clearance on endangered species.

PHOTO OP: Many 100s of protesters, big banners, placards, speakers, petition handover.

Greenpeace Head of Program Ben Pearson said, “A broad alliance of farmers, religious leaders, politicians and environment groups are calling for a halt to clearing of this forest, with its precious cargo of hibernating threatened species.

“Greenpeace is committed to staying put, in the forest, to frustrate this mega mine and its disastrous legacy for climate change, water and biodiversity.”

• Whitehaven Coal’s mine at Maules Creek is the largest coal mine under construction in Australia. The company has been given permission by the NSW government to break a basic mining rule: no tree clearing during the winter months when many threatened species are hibernating.
• Bulldozing of the threatened forest is underway and Greenpeace activists have been suspended in forest tree tops for over 100 hours.
• Meanwhile, mining company Idemitsu Australia Resources has admitted it contracted two companies to employ spies to infiltrate the Maules Creek camp.

Contact: Greenpeace Media Alison Orme 0432 332 104/ Jessa Latona 0488 208 465. Greenpeace photos of Leard Forest and tree top action available on request.

Winter clearing stopped as Whitehaven Coal raises the white flag

Sydney, Thursday 12 June 2014: Today, winter clearing at Australia’s most controversial new coal mine – Maules Creek - was stopped after Whitehaven gave the Land and Environment Court an undertaking to stop the bulldozers until a full hearing of the court case in September.

The Maules Creek Community Council had been seeking an injunction in the Land and Environment Court.

Greenpeace is calling for the State Government to ensure that no further work is done of any kind on the site until the scheduled hearing in September.

Greenpeace Senior Climate Campaigner, Nic Clyde said:

“We welcome today’s announcement but Minister Goward must immediately stop all work at Maules Creek coal mine.

“Whitehaven Coal’s investors should also be heading for the exits as this dud investment suffers another critical blow.”

 “This latest delay in construction is yet another warning to investors. Whitehaven Coal has consistently failed to meet its own construction schedule at their Maules Creek mine, which is why they found themselves in the Land and Environment Court. Happily though, this is great news for the threatened bat and bird species which now have a place to hibernate or nest over the winter.


Elsa Evers, Greenpeace Communications Officer – 0438 204 041

Nic Clyde, Greenpeace Senior Climate Campaigner – 0438 282 409


Controversial mega-mine delayed

Tuesday 17 June, 2014: Greenpeace today welcomed Greg Hunt's decision to delay the approval of the controversial Carmichael mega-mine in Queensland's Galilee Basin, but is calling on the Environment Minister to reject the proposal entirely.

"Adani has a long record of environmental destruction and are not a company you would let look after your pot plants, let alone safeguard the future of the Great Barrier Reef," said Greenpeace Head of Programme Ben Pearson. "This mine would result in the development of a vast new coal terminal at Abbot Point in the World Heritage Area which would have required dredging and dumping, and thousands of extra coal ships carving through the Reef every year. Approving it now would have been tantamount to an act of provocation, with UNESCO currently mulling the status of Australia's greatest natural icon."

The Carmichael coal mine proposed for Queensland’s Galilee Basin would be the biggest ever seen in Australia. It would include six open cut pits and five underground mines. Measuring 28,000 hectares - seven times the area of Sydney Harbour - the mine would clear bushland home to threatened species like the Black-Throated Finch (Southern).

Carmichael will also extract billions of litres of water every year from local rivers and aquifers – water that is precious to the arid area - and burning the coal would produce four times the fossil fuel emissions of New Zealand.

“The proponent, Indian coal conglomerate Adani, has a disturbing record of breaking environmental laws in its home country, illegal activity and destruction of natural places," said Pearson.

“In Australia it has been reported that Adani breached environmental approval guidelines under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act when building a stormwater return dam at Abbot Point."

“We only hope that Mr Hunt isn't just trying  to pull the wool over the eyes of UNESCO, with a view to approving the mine when the gaze of the world is elsewhere,” Mr Pearson said. "Australia deserves better than this."

Controversial mega-mine delayed

Tuesday 17 June, 2014: Greenpeace today welcomed Greg Hunt's decision to delay the approval of the controversial Carmichael mega-mine in Queensland's Galilee Basin, but is calling on the Environment Minister to reject the proposal entirely.

"Adani has a long record of environmental destruction and are not a company you would let look after your pot plants, let alone safeguard the future of the Great Barrier Reef," said Greenpeace Head of Programme Ben Pearson. "This mine would result in the development of a vast new coal terminal at Abbot Point in the World Heritage Area which would have required dredging and dumping, and thousands of extra coal ships carving through the Reef every year. Approving it now would have been tantamount to an act of provocation, with UNESCO currently mulling the status of Australia's greatest natural icon."

The Carmichael coal mine proposed for Queensland’s Galilee Basin would be the biggest ever seen in Australia. It would include six open cut pits and five underground mines. Measuring 28,000 hectares - five times the area of Sydney Harbour - the mine would clear bushland home to threatened species like the Black-Throated Finch (Southern).

Carmichael will also extract billions of litres of water every year from local rivers and aquifers – water that is precious to the arid area - and burning the coal would produce four times the fossil fuel emissions of New Zealand.

“The proponent, Indian coal conglomerate Adani, has a disturbing record of breaking environmental laws in its home country, illegal activity and destruction of natural places," said Pearson.

“In Australia it has been reported that Adani breached environmental approval guidelines under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act when building a stormwater return dam at Abbot Point."

“We only hope that Mr Hunt isn't just trying to pull the wool over the eyes of UNESCO, with a view to approving the mine when the gaze of the world is elsewhere,” Mr Pearson said. "Australia deserves better than this."

See Greenpeace briefing: 'Adani's Record of Environmental Destruction'(PDF 100 kb)

Video footage and photographs of the Carmichael mine site and Abbot Point terminal are available on request.

For more info contact Greenpeace Program Director Ben Pearson on 0424 575 111 or Communications Manager James Lorenz on 0400 376 021

Top model Laura Wells joins #trashyselfie campaign on Clean Up Australia Day

Environmental scientist and top model Laura Wells is calling on Australians to take a #trashyselfie of themselves holding used drink containers as part of Sunday’s Clean Up Australia Day, for a social media campaign aimed at State Premiers calling for a ‘cash for containers’ recycling scheme.

High res photos of Laura Wells holding 10c lying amidst cans and plastic bottles OR her own #trashyselfie available for download and publication here.

The Boomerang Alliance, consisting of 27 environment groups including Greenpeace, Clean Up Australia and the Total Environment Centre, are calling on state and federal governments to introduce a cash for containers scheme. The Alliance will use the most compelling #trashyselfies in a targeted advertising campaign.   

Ms Laura Wells, Australia’s leading plus-sized model who has a degree in environmental science and law said:

“The number one item tossed away as rubbish is beverage containers which can be recycled.

“Australians litter and throw into landfill the equivalent of around 15,000 bottles and cans every minute – totalling more than 8 billion per year.

“Beverage container recycling schemes, which already exist in South Australia and the Northern Territory, show how simple but effective they are in reducing litter in our parks, oceans and rivers.

“Clean Up Australia Day provides people with a great opportunity to use their #trashyselfie to call on State Premiers to make cash-for-containers a reality across the nation.”

Mr Ian Kiernan AO, Chairman of Clean Up Australia said:

“For the first time in 20 years beverage containers have outstripped cigarette butts as the top rubbish item nationally, making up 36 per cent of all rubbish.

 “Polling shows 84 per cent of Australians are thirsty for a national cash for containers scheme but only South Australia and the Northern Territory have them.  

“The momentum for a 10c Cash for Container recycling scheme in Australia has never been greater.

“Victorian Premier Denis Napthine continues to express his support for a cash for containers scheme, NSW Government backbenchers are behind it and Tasmania is undertaking a cost-benefit analysis.

“South Australia boasts a recycling rate for beverage containers of 80 per cent which is double the national average and in the Northern Territory recycling rates have trebled since its introduction.

“Recycling companies have vowed to invest $500 million and create 3,500 new jobs if cash for containers was brought in nationally.” Note 1.

For more information: Alison Orme Greenpeace Australia Pacific 0432 332 1040432 332 104, alison.orme@greenpeace.org

For more information about the #trashyselfie campaign visit www.stoptrashingaustralia.org

Clean Up Australia 2013 National Rubbish Report: http://www.cleanup.org.au/files/2013-national.pdf

Note 1: http://www.revive-recycling.com.au/Revive%20Media%20Release%209-4-13.pdf

Release full report of probity inquiry into Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Board

Following the Environment Minister Greg Hunt's late afternoon media statement releasing key findings of an inquiry into potential conflicts of interest involving two board members of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Greenpeace Reef Campaigner Louise Matthiesson said,"The public has a right to be disappointed with these findings. The inquiry has clearly taken a very narrow, legalistic view of the situation.

"The GBRMPA Board oversees one of the world's most precious and delicate natural places. Board members should be people with expertise in marine conservation, not involved in the coal and gas industries. 

"It is a matter of public record that Tony Mooney and John Grayson have financial links to coal and gas companies that could benefit from developments that may harm the reef.

"If this does not constitute a conflict of interest it would be interesting to know what does. 

Greenpeace Australia Pacific is tonight calling on the Environment Minister Mr Greg Hunt to release the full report of the inquiry. 

"Mr Hunt should release the full Report so the public can judge for themselves whether these men are the type of people we want in charge of the Reef.

"Failing to release the full report to allow close scrutiny of the evidence gathered by the Inquiry head Mr Robert Cornall suggests Minister Hunt is keen to sweep what was uncovered by ABC TV 7.30 Report under the carpet."

Contact: Alison Orme 0432 332 104

Whitehaven Coal thwarted as fresh activists step in to stop forest clearing

Maules Creek, NSW, Monday 2 June 2014: As tree-climbing activists hinder bulldozing for the fourth day in a row, Greenpeace is calling on the NSW Government to urgently stop forest clearing in the Leard State Forest during the winter hibernating months.

“Just this morning, a new group of tree-climbers entered a different part of the endangered forest to set up a sky-high camp,” said Greenpeace spokesperson Julie Macken.  

The new forest rescue team continues the stand-off with Whitehaven Coal after five Greenpeace activists were arrested yesterday and removed from a giant rope web.  

“This brings the total number of arrests in ongoing community protests against Whitehaven Coal’s mine to over 160,” said Julie Macken.  

A rally outside the ministerial offices of Pru Goward and Rob Stokes – Government Macquarie Tower in Sydney - is planned for Wednesday at midday, as community outrage over winter clearing at a time when native animals are hibernating to make way for a coal mine, boils over.

Greenpeace Senior Campaigner Nic Clyde spoke from his tree-sit, 10 metres off the ground in the Leard State Forest:

“Whitehaven Coal’s bulldozers are destroying the homes of animals while they sleep. Their coal mine at Maules Creek – the largest coal mine currently under construction in Australia – has been given permission to break the most basic of mining rules - stop clearing during the winter months - when many threatened species are hibernating.”

“The state government - Environment Minister, Rob Stokes and Planning Minister Pru Goward - must intervene.”

Some of the hibernating species in the Leard State Forest include:

  • The feathertail glider, sugar glider and squirrel glider (all hibernating most of winter)
  • Barking Owl (nesting and listed as ‘vulnerable’ under state law) and Barn Owl (nesting)
  • Corben's long-eared bat (‘vulnerable’ under federal and state law), the yellow-bellied sheath-tale bat (‘vulnerable’ under state law) and white-striped free-tailed bat and little pied bat (‘vulnerable’ under state law). All the bats are hibernating for most of winter.
  • Coral snake and spiny tailed gecko (both hibernating)

For interviews with Greenpeace Senior Campaigner from the forest tree-tops:

Contact, Elsa Evers 0438 204 041 or Julie Macken 0400 925 217

Images and video:


Username: photos    Password: green

Via FTP (you will need an FTP client such as Filezilla): 

Host: greenpeacemedia.org

Username: media

Password: greenpeace

Folder: Maules Creek

Additional images from the Leard Alliance can be found at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/leardstateforest/

MEDIA ALERT: Snap mass rally to halt bulldozing of Leard Forest for coal mine

On the eve of World Environment Day, a coalition of national environment groups, Labor and Greens MPs and farmers hold snap rally to protest bulldozing of the Leard State Forest by Whitehaven Coal. Private spies have been identified as infiltrating the camp of landowners and environmentalists working to stop the mine.

SPEAKERS: NSW MPs Penny Sharpe (Labor) and Mehreen Faruqui (Greens), local farmers, Greenpeace, GetUp!, Lock the Gate, Nature Conservation Council and Australian Religious Response to Climate Change. The Wilderness Society are supporting the rally.

WHEN: Speakers from Noon, Wednesday 4 June 2014.

WHERE: Governor Macquarie Tower, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney.

DEMAND: NSW Environment Minister Rob Stokes and Planning Minister Pru Goward should halt clearing and launch an investigation into the impact of Whitehaven Coal’s winter clearance on endangered species.

PHOTO OP: Many 100s of protesters, big banners, placards, speakers, petition handover.

Greenpeace Head of Program Ben Pearson said, “A broad alliance of farmers, religious leaders, politicians and environment groups are calling for a halt to clearing of this forest, with its precious cargo of hibernating threatened species.

“Greenpeace is committed to staying put, in the forest, to frustrate this mega mine and its disastrous legacy for climate change, water and biodiversity.”

• Whitehaven Coal’s mine at Maules Creek is the largest coal mine under construction in Australia. The company has been given permission by the NSW government to break a basic mining rule: no tree clearing during the winter months when many threatened species are hibernating.
• Bulldozing of the threatened forest is underway and Greenpeace activists have been suspended in forest tree tops for over 100 hours.
• Meanwhile, mining company Idemitsu Australia Resources has admitted it contracted two companies to employ spies to infiltrate the Maules Creek camp.

Contact: Greenpeace Media Alison Orme 0432 332 104/ Jessa Latona 0488 208 465. Greenpeace photos of Leard Forest and tree top action available on request.

Controversial mega-mine delayed

Tuesday 17 June, 2014: Greenpeace today welcomed Greg Hunt's decision to delay the approval of the controversial Carmichael mega-mine in Queensland's Galilee Basin, but is calling on the Environment Minister to reject the proposal entirely.

"Adani has a long record of environmental destruction and are not a company you would let look after your pot plants, let alone safeguard the future of the Great Barrier Reef," said Greenpeace Head of Programme Ben Pearson. "This mine would result in the development of a vast new coal terminal at Abbot Point in the World Heritage Area which would have required dredging and dumping, and thousands of extra coal ships carving through the Reef every year. Approving it now would have been tantamount to an act of provocation, with UNESCO currently mulling the status of Australia's greatest natural icon."

The Carmichael coal mine proposed for Queensland’s Galilee Basin would be the biggest ever seen in Australia. It would include six open cut pits and five underground mines. Measuring 28,000 hectares - seven times the area of Sydney Harbour - the mine would clear bushland home to threatened species like the Black-Throated Finch (Southern).

Carmichael will also extract billions of litres of water every year from local rivers and aquifers – water that is precious to the arid area - and burning the coal would produce four times the fossil fuel emissions of New Zealand.

“The proponent, Indian coal conglomerate Adani, has a disturbing record of breaking environmental laws in its home country, illegal activity and destruction of natural places," said Pearson.

“In Australia it has been reported that Adani breached environmental approval guidelines under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act when building a stormwater return dam at Abbot Point."

“We only hope that Mr Hunt isn't just trying  to pull the wool over the eyes of UNESCO, with a view to approving the mine when the gaze of the world is elsewhere,” Mr Pearson said. "Australia deserves better than this."

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